Gather (2020) with BOFG & GGC
Director: Sanjay Rawal Run Time: 120 min. Rating: NR Release Year: 2020
Starring: Elsie Dubray, Nephi Craig, Sammy Gensaw, Twila Cassadore
Join us for a community viewing of Gather (2020) and panel discussion. Panelists include BIPOC researchers from Central State University (Dr. Brandy Phipps) and The Ohio State University (Dr. John Low), along with community organizers Ty and Masami Smith of Native American Indian Center of Central Ohio (NAICCO).
Ticket proceeds will be shared with Black Ohio Film Group (BOFG) and Growing and Growth Collective (GGC).
About the film:
Gather (2020) is an intimate portrait of the growing movement amongst Native Americans to reclaim their spiritual, political and cultural identities through food sovereignty and land stewardship, while battling the trauma of centuries of genocide.
The film follows Nephi Craig, a chef from the White Mountain Apache Nation (Arizona), opening an indigenous café as a nutritional recovery clinic; Elsie Dubray, a young scientist from the Cheyenne River Sioux Nation (South Dakota), conducting landmark studies on bison; and the Ancestral Guard, a group of environmental activists from the Yurok Nation (Northern California), trying to save the Klamath river.

About the filmmaker:
Sanjay Rawal is an Indian-American documentary film director and winner of the James Beard Award. His short film Challenging Impossibility (2011) premiered at the 2011 Tribeca Film Festival. His feature projects include the award-winning Food Chains (2014), which chronicled the battle of the Coalition of Immokalee Workers, a small group of Oaxacan and Chiapan indigenous farmworkers in Florida, against the largest agribusiness conglomerates in the world, followed by 3100: Run and Become (2018), and Gather (2020).