Beyond Dream’s Door (1989)
Director: Jay Woelfel Run Time: 80 min. Rating: NR Release Year: 1989
Starring: Daniel White, Nick Baldasare, Norm Singer, Rick Kesler, Susan Pinsky
Country: United States
Language: English
Presented as part of Mammoth Mondays, a new extension of Cult 101. Courtesy of Jay Woelfel and the American Genre Film Archive.
About the film:
“One of the strangest movies I’ve ever seen.”
—Film critic, Joe Bob Briggs
Ben hasn’t been sleeping well. His dreams are filled with monsters and death. Seeking out answers, Ben pursues the hidden meanings of his nightmares. As the dreams grow increasingly lifelike, Ben fears that he’s losing his grip on sanity, especially as those around him start turning up dead.
Continuing the lineage of everything from The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari (1920) to A Nightmare on Elm Street (1984), this ambitious film blends elements of surrealism, grotesque violence, and horrifying set-pieces. AGFA is thrilled to offer a new DCP of the uncut restoration, which was painstakingly reconstructed shot by shot from the original, unedited 16mm camera negative by the team at Vinegar Syndrome.
About the filmmaker:
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